Spring History

ü   Spring History

Like most other basic mechanisms, metal springs have existed for a long time in the Bronze Age. Even metal, wood is used as a structural component for flexible bows and military catapults. During the Renaissance, precision watches made precision springs inevitable for the first time. The fourteenth century saw the development of a revolutionary astronomy accurate clock. The world has explored and conquered the watchmaker “European Science and the Arts, which continues to provide power for the European colonial powers. Another area of ​​firearms has been promoting spring development. At the dawn of the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, springs were proposed that were large, accurate, and cheap. Whereas watchmakers' springs are often hand-made, springs are mass-produced from piano wires or similar materials.Advanced manufacturing methods make springs ubiquitous.Computer controlled wire and sheet benders allow custom springs Processing, obviously this is a special machine.The spring is an accumulator, it has the function of storing energy, but can not release the energy slowly, to achieve the slow release of this function should rely on "spring + large ratio mechanism "Implementation is common in mechanical watches.

Springs have been used very early and long ago. Ancient bows and gongs are two springs in a broad sense. The inventor of the spring was strictly a British scientist, Robert Hooke. Although spiral compression springs were already present and widely used, Hook proposed "Hook's law" - the amount of spring elongation and the The force is proportional to the size, it is in accordance with this principle, in 1776, the use of a spring compression coil spring compression system came out. Soon, the springs used for watches built on this principle were invented by Hooke himself. The springs that meet the Hooke's Law are true springs. The disc spring was invented by French Belleville. It is a washer spring with a truncated conical section made of sheet metal or forged blank. After the advent of modern industry, new springs such as gas springs, rubber springs, scroll springs, die springs, stainless steel springs, air springs, and memory alloy springs appeared in addition to the disc springs.

ü   彈簧的歷史

彈簧很早很早之前就有應用了,古代的弓和弩就是兩種廣義上的彈簧。彈簧的發明家嚴格意義上應該是英國科學家虎克 (Robert Hooke,雖然那時螺旋壓縮彈簧已經出現並廣泛使用,但虎克提出了“ 虎克定律 ——彈簧的伸長量與所受的力的大小成正比,正是根據這一原理,1776,使用螺旋壓縮彈簧的彈簧秤問世。不久,根據這一原理製作的專供鐘錶使用的彈簧也被虎克本人發明出來。而符合“虎克定律”的彈簧才是真正意義上的彈簧。碟形彈簧是法國人貝勒維爾發明的,是用金屬板料或鍛壓坯料而成的截錐形截面的墊圈式彈簧。在近代工業出現之後,除了碟形彈簧之外還出現了氣彈簧、橡膠彈簧、渦卷彈簧、模具彈簧、不銹鋼彈簧、空氣彈簧、記憶合金彈簧等新型彈簧。

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