What is a spring?

ü   What is a spring?

        Springs are special parts made of elastic materials. When subjected to an external force, it can be elongated or shortened or deformed in other ways to absorb external forces and stored in the body. After the external force is removed, the original energy absorbed and stored in the body is released and the original shape is restored. 

        The characteristics, such as the suspension system of the carcass chassis and the landing gear of the aircraft, all use springs to absorb the energy generated by the external vibrations; the clocks and springs of the toy springs use the plutonium to store energy as power. Wuyuan; Many institutions such as the back spring of the door, the spring of the engine intake valve, etc., all use the spring as the force eliciting device of the mechanism; in addition, as the device of the spring scale, the spring is used to directly proportional to the deformation and force. Design power measurement tools.

ü   According to the form of the spring

        The main products can be divided into "compression spring", "extension spring", "torsion spring", and "radial spring".

ü   There are four general types of springs:

1.   Absorb shock-mitigating shocks: for example chassis springs for cars or trains, springs on airplane landing wheels, buffers on locomotive supports, and pedal springs for bicycles.
2.   Measure of force or power: for example springs on spring scales and various power indicators.
3.   Generate force to maintain mechanical contact: for example, boiler safety valves, brakes, clutches, and springs on cam mechanisms.
4.   Storage of energy: such as clockwork, gun triggers, drill handles, spring power toys, etc.

ü   The properties that spring materials generally have are:

1.   Must have high elasticity and high tensile strength:
(1)   Heat treatment
(2)   Cold processing
(3)   Low temperature annealing after forming
2.   With appropriate toughness: inversely proportional to the tensile strength and toughness, so it can be evaluated according to the contraction, extension, and twisting of the section.
3.   The surface must be in good condition: Torsional torsion test, helium inspection test.
4.   Must have high dimensional accuracy: It requires high-precision load characteristics, and the load is proportional to the third power of the diameter.
5.   Must have good uniformity: Coil processing stability is good, the stability of spring-loaded crucible, the stability of the load characteristics.
6.   Corrosion resistance must be good: It can prevent early wear and tear, so the surface treatment must be good.

ü   彈簧是什麼?


ü   彈簧的種類

    依其受力的形式,主要産品可以分為「壓縮彈簧(compression spring)」、「伸彈簧(extension spring)」、「扭力彈簧(torsion spring)」、「徑向彈簧(radial spring)

ü   彈簧的功用一般有四種:

1.   吸收振動緩和衝擊:例如汽車或火車之底盤彈簧、飛機著陸輪上的彈簧、機車支架上之緩衝器及腳踏車座墊彈簧等。
2.   力的量度或功率之指示:例如彈簧秤及各種的功率指示器上的彈簧。
3.   產生作用力,維持機件接觸:例如鍋爐的安全閥、制動器、離合器及凸輪機構上的彈簧。
4.   儲存能量:例如鐘錶發條、槍之板機、鑽床回彈把手及各種彈簧動力玩具等。

ü   彈簧用材料一般應具備之特性包括:

1.   必須彈性高,抗拉強度高:其改善辦法有
(1) 熱處理
(2) 冷加工
(3) 成形後作低溫退火
2.   具有適當之韌性:抗拉強度與韌性成反比 ,因此可依據斷面收縮、延伸、扭轉作良否之評價。
3.   表面狀態必須良好: 實旋扭轉試驗、瑕疵檢查試驗。
4.   必須尺寸精度高:要求高精度之荷重特性,荷重係依據徑之三次方成正比。
5.   必須具有良好之均勻性: 捲圈加工安定性良好,彈簧形狀之安定、荷重特性之安定。
6.   耐蝕性必須良好: 可防止早期疲勞之折損,所以表面處理須良好。

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